Have you heard of hygge?

I just read about hygge in The Art of Happy Moving by Ali Wenzke.

Hygge (pronounced “HOO-ga”) is a Danish concept that’s hard to translate. Some people think it means “cozy” living, but the Danes say it means much more than that. So, here’s a quote from an expert, Meik Wiking who wrote, The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living:

Hygge is about an atmosphere and an experience, rather than about things. It is about being with people we love. A feeling of home. . . . Hygge is about giving yourself and others a treat. It is about savoring the moment and the simple pleasures of good food and good company.

Here are some ideas to create a little Hygge in your life, from page 54 of The Art of Happy Moving:

Bake cookies

Make a meal at home

Turn down the lights

Light candles

Wear fuzzy socks

Eat chocolate

Use a soft throw

Put on some music 🎶

Invite a friend(s) over

Sit and breathe ~

And, I will add,

Keep it simple ~ ☕️💕☕️

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